Did you know that 28% of search queries in India are done by voice? And that by 2020, 50% of all global searches will be voice searches? In fact, India is seeing 270% year on year growth in voice searches, as revealed in the 2017 Google India ‘Year in Search’ Report ( ).
Today, the adoption of several personal assistants like Cortana, Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa is on a rapid rise, effecting monumental change in the way people search the internet.
So if you’re a marketer, how do you react to this change? Well that’s what our video is all about!

Why Voice Search matters
1) Traditional screen interface is losing out to Voice
With the advent and increasing popularity of smart speakers like Alexa and Google Home, search interaction, that was once limited to mobile phone and laptops is seeing a paradigm shift. Marketers spend abundant resources on optimising UI and UX. However, the idea of screens might soon become obsolete. Marketers will now have to work on creating conversational User Interfaces and User Experiences.

2) New internet users prefer Voice Search
India’s next billion internet users ( ) will all be accessing the internet from Tier II and Tier III cities from small screen devices. For many of them, voice search is a more convenient option than typed queries, particularly because they will be engaging in vernacular languages ( ). Voice Search affords them a natural way to get their queries answered. As marketers, Voice Search marketing acts as your gateway to tapping into this new audience.

Here’s how you can leverage the power of Voice Search Marketing:
1) Reconsider your keyword strategy
Keyword research is largely based on what is typed into the search box. However, marketers will have to consider that voice searches differ from typed queries in terms of conversational elements. Take for instance, the CEO of Microsoft. A typed query would read “Microsoft CEO” whereas a voice search would be “Who is the CEO of Microsoft?”. The first has only 2 words, while the latter has 6! This means brands will have to start optimising for longer voice queries.

2) Optimise for a Featured Snippet
Very often, voice queries pick up results from the Featured Snippet. Brands will need to look at building and optimising content to get a Featured Snippet or Answer Box.

3) Prioritise Local SEO
A majority of Voice queries are local queries. “Restaurants near me for example”. It becomes imperative for brands with a local presence to start optimising for Voice. You can read more about it here –

4) Google Home Actions and Alexa Skills
While currently there is no provision to runs ads on Google Home or Amazon Echo, marketers can leverage Google Home Actions and Alexa Skills to drive audience engagement, product use and even a new point-of-sale.

5) Build conversational UI/UX
As mentioned earlier, brands need to start looking at building conversation UI and UX, modelled around human conversation. This could be something as simple as implementing Chatbots, or adding voice functionality to your website’s search box.

Voice Search Marketing is one of the biggest trends of digital marketing in 2019 ( ). Brands need to work proactively to adapt to the change.

We hope you found our video informative! For an in-depth read, check out our blog on Voice Search Marketing here!

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